VCWWC Community Partners

Become A Community Partner

Supporting Our Mission, Expanding Our Reach

VCWWC Community Partners: Supporting Our Mission, Expanding Our Reach

By uniting with our Community Partners, we aim to raise essential funds that sustain the growth of VCWWC and support deserving organizations across Volusia County.

At each quarterly VCWWC meeting, our members hear from three exceptional, member-nominated charities making an impact in our community. While members vote to select one organization to receive the primary funding from quarterly contributions, VCWWC is committed to ensuring that all three charities benefit from the process.

With the generous support of our Community Partners, the two organizations not selected for the primary grant still receive smaller, yet vital, grants. These contributions allow us to expand our reach, sustain our growth, and continue fulfilling our mission of making a meaningful difference in the community.

These smaller grants, made possible by our Community Partners, provide crucial resources for these organizations to advance their missions and continue their important work. In addition, your contributions support the sustainability and growth of VCWWC’s initiatives.

We greatly appreciate support at every level. Below, you will find the various levels of recognition that accompany your generous sponsorship.

Recognition Information

Check Presentation of Cocklin Davis Center

VCWWC Thanks and Recognizes our Community Partners

Signature Community Partner  $25,000 plus

Gold Community Partner $10,000

Silver Community Partner  $5,000

Julie Turpin

Andrea and Larry Frank

Dr. Don and Janice Dounda

Walmart “Sparks Good”

Walmart Supercenter New Smyrna, Walmart Supercenter Deland, Walmart Supercenter Port Orange,  Walmart Neighborhood Center Holly Hill, Walmart Supercenter Ormond Beach

Bronze Community Partner  $1,000 

Irene Harrington

Kiwanis Daytona Beach

Cydney Reagan


To Become a Community Partner, write a check and mail to the address below or you can click here to contribute!

PO Box 731994
Ormond Beach, Fl. 32173

Charity Nomination Form

for 501(c)(3) Organizations

Volusa County Women Who Care (VCWWC) Members ONLY. As a VCWWC member, you have a special privilege: the chance to nominate charities. To do so, you need to have donated in the previous quarter and be present and prepared to precent at the quarterly meeting if your charity is chosen. This ensures that our active members are involved in selecting and presenting charities, keeping our community engagement strong.

Attach copies of the following documentation:

  • IRS letter designating said organization as a 501(c)(3)
  • Florida Division of Corporations letter indicating said organization is a registered non-profit in Florida
  • Permit for Solicitation of Contributions, issued by Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 99 files.

Name and contact information of the nominating VCWWC Member:

(must be a member of VCWWC; must have donated the previous quarter; must be present at the quarterly meeting if chosen to present)